( The game ). Life is a multiplayer role playing game. where u earn lvl's save gold buy items houses spells and more.
Listing Updates
Life Admin:10/6/06: I have added Gold mining to the game.
Life Admin:10/6/06: I have added Woodcutting to the game.
Constantly updateing...
Game Download.
( NOTE ) : You may get an error saying u are missing a file when u try to run the game. i have all those files and have them listed below for d/l.
Missing files.
click the link below it will take u to a page with missing files. scroll down some to see the list of them and just match it up with the one u are missing. (note) u may not have to d/l any file but some computers just do not have these files. but downloading the files dont take long at all. just place the file u d/l into the client file and u will be ready to go.but if u still get errors just download the missing file package. if the the error still comes then there is only one prob and an easy problem to fix. this missing file is just not registerd. to find out how to register it. go to the missing file page select the missing file and read the page it will tell u exactly how to register it.
Library Files
Click Below for an solution to an error message regarding: